1. Is there any hostel available for outstation student?

Yes, hostel is available for both boys and girls separately

2. Is there any dress code?

Yes, the Uniform is available for all courses and it is provided by our institution for free.

3. What kind of certification is provided?

An affiliated Government of India certificate is provided.

4. Do Institute provides transportation facility?

No, students have to arrange their own transportation and students can reach the bus stop within walking distance.

5. Do institute arrange educational loan?

Institute cannot arrange the loan but we can provide any support to get a loan from any nationalised bank.

6. Do institute provide any additional program apart from course?

Yes, the institute may arrange many awareness programs and medical camps for the welfare of the students.

7. Do institute provide practical session apart from theory session?

Yes, students are trained in both theory and practically.

8. Do Institute provide placement?

Yes, 100% placement is provided.

9. Do institute provide training?

Yes, every student is trained after course completion.

10. Do institute provide all study material?
